OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
VarTypes Enumeration

OpcLabs.BaseLib Assembly > OpcLabs.BaseLib.ComInterop Namespace : VarTypes Enumeration
Contains pre-defined constants of VarType internal values.
Public Enum VarTypes 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable 
Dim instance As VarTypes
public enum VarTypes : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
public enum class VarTypes : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
Array8192VT_ARRAY. Indicates a SAFEARRAY pointer.
ArrayOfBool8203VT_ARRAY | VT_BOOL. Indicates an array of Boolean values.
ArrayOfBStr8200VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR. Indicates an array of BSTR strings.
ArrayOfCy8198VT_ARRAY | VT_CY. Indicates an array of currency values.
ArrayOfDate8199VT_ARRAY | VT_DATE. Indicates an array of DATE values.
ArrayOfDecimal8206VT_ARRAY | VT_DECIMAL. Indicates an array of decimal values.
ArrayOfDispatch8201VT_ARRAY | VT_DISPATCH. Indicates an array of IDispatch pointers.
ArrayOfError8202VT_ARRAY | VT_ERROR. Indicates an array of SCODE-s.
ArrayOfI18208VT_ARRAY | VT_I1. Indicates an array of char values.
ArrayOfI28194VT_ARRAY | VT_I2. Indicates an array of short integers.
ArrayOfI48195VT_ARRAY | VT_I4. Indicates an array of long integers.
ArrayOfInt8214VT_ARRAY | VT_INT. Indicates an array of integer values.
ArrayOfR48196VT_ARRAY | VT_R4. Indicates an array of float values.
ArrayOfR88197VT_ARRAY | VT_R8. Indicates an array of double values.
ArrayOfRecord8228VT_ARRAY | VT_RECORD. Indicates an array of user defined types.
ArrayOfUI18209VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1. Indicates an array of byte-s.
ArrayOfUI28210VT_ARRAY | VT_UI2. Indicates an array of unsigned short-s.
ArrayOfUI48211VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4. Indicates an array of unsigned long-s.
ArrayOfUInt8215VT_ARRAY | VT_UINT. Indicates an array of unsigned integer values.
ArrayOfUnknown8205VT_ARRAY | VT_UNKNOWN. Indicates an array of IUnknown pointers.
ArrayOfVariant8204VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT. Indicates an array of VARIANT far pointers.
Blob65VT_BLOB. Indicates length prefixed bytes.
BlobObject70VT_BLOB_OBJECT. Indicates that a blob contains an object.
Bool11VT_BOOL. Indicates a Boolean value.
BStr8VT_BSTR. Indicates a BSTR string.
ByRef16384VT_BYREF. Indicates that a value is a reference.
CArray28VT_CARRAY. Indicates a C style array.
Cf71VT_CF. Indicates the clipboard format.
Clsid72VT_CLSID. Indicates a class ID.
Cy6VT_CY. Indicates a currency value.
Date7VT_DATE. Indicates a DATE value.
Decimal14VT_DECIMAL. Indicates a decimal value.
Dispatch9VT_DISPATCH. Indicates an IDispatch pointer.
Empty0VT_EMPTY. Indicates that a value was not specified.
Error10VT_ERROR. Indicates an SCODE.
FileTime64VT_FILETIME. Indicates a FILETIME value.
HResult25VT_HRESULT. Indicates an HRESULT.
I116VT_I1. Indicates a char value.
I22VT_I2. Indicates a short integer.
I43VT_I4. Indicates a long integer.
I820VT_I8. Indicates a 64-bit integer.
Int22VT_INT. Indicates an integer value.
LPStr30VT_LPSTR. Indicates a null-terminated string.
LPWStr31VT_LPWSTR. Indicates a wide string terminated by a null.
Null1VT_NULL. Indicates a null value, similar to a null value in SQL.
Ptr26VT_PTR. Indicates a pointer type.
R44VT_R4. Indicates a float value.
R85VT_R8. Indicates a double value.
Record36VT_RECORD. Indicates a user defined type.
SafeArray27VT_SAFEARRAY. Indicates a SAFEARRAY. Not valid in a VARIANT.
Storage67VT_STORAGE. Indicates that the name of a storage follows.
StoredObject69VT_STORED_OBJECT. Indicates that a storage contains an object.
Stream66VT_STREAM. Indicates that the name of a stream follows.
StreamedObject68VT_STREAMED_OBJECT. Indicates that a stream contains an object.
UI117VT_UI1. Indicates a byte.
UI218VT_UI2. Indicates an unsigned short.
UI419VT_UI4. Indicates an unsigned long.
UI821VT_UI8. Indicates an 64-bit unsigned integer.
UInt23VT_UINT. Indicates an unsigned integer value.
Unknown13VT_UNKNOWN. Indicates an IUnknown pointer.
UserDefined29VT_USERDEFINED. Indicates a user defined type.
Variant12VT_VARIANT. Indicates a VARIANT far pointer.
Vector4096VT_VECTOR. Indicates a simple, counted array.
Void24VT_VOID. Indicates a C style void.

There are implicit conversions to this type from:

There are implicit conversions from this type to:

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows

See Also