QuickOPC User's Guide and Reference
SessionParameters Property (_EasyUAAdaptableParameters)

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.ComTypes Namespace > _EasyUAAdaptableParameters Interface : SessionParameters Property
Contains parameters that influence the behavior of the component on the session level.
Property SessionParameters As UASmartSessionParameters
Dim instance As _EasyUAAdaptableParameters
Dim value As UASmartSessionParameters
instance.SessionParameters = value
value = instance.SessionParameters
UASmartSessionParameters SessionParameters {get; set;}
property UASmartSessionParameters^ SessionParameters {
   UASmartSessionParameters^ get();
   void set (    UASmartSessionParameters^ value);

In order to obtain or modify this parameter, in the default state (when OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClientCore.Isolated equals to false), access static OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClientCore.AdaptableParameters. If you have set OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClientCore.Isolated to true, you need to access OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClientCore.IsolatedParameters.






// This example shows how to set fairly short OPC UA timeouts (failures can thus occur).

using System;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;

namespace UADocExamples._UAClientSessionParameters
    class Timeouts
        public static void Isolated()
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =
            // or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported)
            // or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/"

            // Instantiate the client object and set timeouts
            var client = new EasyUAClient
                Isolated = true,
                IsolatedParameters =
                    SessionParameters =
                        EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500,
                        SessionConnectTimeout = 3000,
                        SessionTimeout = 3000,
                        SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000

            // The callback is a lambda expression the displays the value
            client.SubscribeDataChange(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853", 1000,
                (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    if (eventArgs.Succeeded)
                        Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", eventArgs.AttributeData.Value);
                        Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief);

            Console.WriteLine("Processing data change events for 10 seconds...");
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10 * 1000);


            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 2 seconds...");
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);
# This example shows how to set fairly short OPC UA timeouts (failures can thus occur).

# The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc".
import opclabs_quickopc
import time

# Import .NET namespaces.
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel import *

def dataChangeNotification(sender, eventArgs):
    # Display value.
    if eventArgs.Succeeded:
        print('Value: ', eventArgs.AttributeData.Value, sep='')
        print('*** Failure: ', eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief, sep='')

endpointDescriptor = UAEndpointDescriptor('opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer')
# or 'http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer' (currently not supported)
# or 'https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/'

# Instantiate the client object and set timeouts.
client = EasyUAClient()
client.Isolated = True
client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500
client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionConnectTimeout = 3000
client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeout = 3000
client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000

    UANodeDescriptor('nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853'),

print('Processing data change events for 10 seconds...')


print('Waiting for 2 seconds...')

// This example shows how in a console application, the user is asked to allow a server instance certificate with
// mismatched domain name.

using System;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel;

namespace UADocExamples.Interaction
    class AllowEndpointDomain
        public static void Main1()
            // Define which server we will work with.
            // Note that extra '.' at the end of the domain name. For the purpose of this example, it allows us to address
            // the same domain, but cause a mismatch with what the names that are listed in the server instance certificate.
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer";
            // Instantiate the client object.
            var client = new EasyUAClient()
                // Enforce the endpoint domain check.
                Isolated = true,
                IsolatedParameters = {SessionParameters = {CheckEndpointDomain = true}}

            UAAttributeData attributeData;
                // Obtain attribute data.
                // The component automatically triggers the necessary user interaction during the first operation.
                attributeData = client.Read(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853");
            catch (UAException uaException)
                Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", uaException.GetBaseException().Message);

            // Display results.
            Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", attributeData.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("ServerTimestamp: {0}", attributeData.ServerTimestamp);
            Console.WriteLine("SourceTimestamp: {0}", attributeData.SourceTimestamp);
            Console.WriteLine("StatusCode: {0}", attributeData.StatusCode);
# This example shows how in a console application, the user is asked to allow a server instance certificate with
# mismatched domain name.

# The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc".
import opclabs_quickopc

# Import .NET namespaces.
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel import *

# Define which server we will work with.
# Note that extra '.' at the end of the domain name. For the purpose of this example, it allows us to address
# the same domain, but cause a mismatch with what the names that are listed in the server instance certificate.
endpointDescriptor = UAEndpointDescriptor('opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer')

# Instantiate the client object.
client = EasyUAClient()
# Enforce the endpoint domain check.
client.Isolated = True
client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.CheckEndpointDomain = True

    # Obtain attribute data.
    # The component automatically triggers the necessary user interaction during the first operation.
    attributeData = IEasyUAClientExtension.Read(client,
                                                UANodeDescriptor('nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853'))
except UAException as uaException:
    print('*** Failure: ' + uaException.GetBaseException().Message)

# Display results.
print('Value: ', attributeData.Value)
print('ServerTimestamp: ', attributeData.ServerTimestamp)
print('SourceTimestamp: ', attributeData.SourceTimestamp)
print('StatusCode: ', attributeData.StatusCode)

' This example shows how in a console application, the user is asked to allow a server instance certificate with
' mismatched domain name.

Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine

Namespace Interaction
    Friend Class AllowEndpointDomain
        Public Shared Sub Main1()

            ' Define which server we will work with.
            ' Note that extra '.' at the end of the domain name. For the purpose of this example, it allows us to address
            ' the same domain, but cause a mismatch with what the names that are listed in the server instance certificate.
            Dim endpointDescriptor As UAEndpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer"

            ' Instantiate the client object.
            Dim client = New EasyUAClient() With _
            { _
                .Isolated = True, _
                .IsolatedParameters = New EasyUAAdaptableParameters() With _
                { _
                    .SessionParameters = New UASmartSessionParameters() With _
                    { _
                        .CheckEndpointDomain = True _
                    } _
                } _

            Dim attributeData As UAAttributeData
                ' Obtain attribute data.
                ' The component automatically triggers the necessary user interaction during the first operation.
                attributeData = client.Read(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853")
            Catch uaException As UAException
                Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", uaException.GetBaseException.Message)
                Exit Sub
            End Try

            ' Display results.
            Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", attributeData.Value)
            Console.WriteLine("ServerTimestamp: {0}", attributeData.ServerTimestamp)
            Console.WriteLine("SourceTimestamp: {0}", attributeData.SourceTimestamp)
            Console.WriteLine("StatusCode: {0}", attributeData.StatusCode)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
// This example shows how in a console application, the user is asked to allow a server instance certificate with
// mismatched domain name.

class procedure AllowEndpointDomain.Main;
  AttributeData: _UAAttributeData;
  Client: _EasyUAClient;
  EndpointDescriptor: string;
  // Define which server we will work with.
  // Note that extra '.' at the end of the domain name. For the purpose of this example, it allows us to address
  // the same domain, but cause a mismatch with what the names that are listed in the server instance certificate.
  EndpointDescriptor := 'opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer';

  // Instantiate the client object.
  Client := CoEasyUAClient.Create;
  // Enforce the endpoint domain check.
  Client.Isolated := true;
  Client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.CheckEndpointDomain := true;

    // Obtain attribute data.
    // The component automatically triggers the necessary user interaction during the first operation.
    AttributeData := Client.Read(EndpointDescriptor, 'nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853');
    on E: EOleException do
      WriteLn(Format('*** Failure: %s', [E.GetBaseException.Message]));

  // Display results.
  WriteLn('Value: ', AttributeData.Value);
  WriteLn('ServerTimestamp: ', DateTimeToStr(AttributeData.ServerTimestamp));
  WriteLn('SourceTimestamp: ', DateTimeToStr(AttributeData.SourceTimestamp));
  WriteLn('StatusCode: ', AttributeData.StatusCode.ToString);
Rem This example shows how in a console application, the user is asked to allow a server instance certificate with
Rem mismatched domain name.

Option Explicit

' Define which server we will work with.
' Note that extra '.' at the end of the domain name. For the purpose of this example, it allows us to address
' the same domain, but cause a mismatch with what the names that are listed in the server instance certificate.
Dim endpointDescriptor: endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer"

' Instantiate the client object.
Dim Client: Set Client = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient")
' Enforce the endpoint domain check.
Client.Isolated = True
Client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.CheckEndpointDomain = True

' Obtain attribute data.
' The component automatically triggers the necessary user interaction during the first operation.
On Error Resume Next
Dim AttributeData: Set AttributeData = Client.Read(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "*** Failure: " & Err.Source & ": " & Err.Description
End If
On Error Goto 0

' Display results
WScript.Echo "Value: " & AttributeData.Value
WScript.Echo "ServerTimestamp: " & AttributeData.ServerTimestamp
WScript.Echo "SourceTimestamp: " & AttributeData.SourceTimestamp
WScript.Echo "StatusCode: " & AttributeData.StatusCode

' Example output:
'OPC-UA Endpoint Domain Mismatch
'The effective host name in endpoint URL returned by the server does not match any of the domain names in the server certificate.
'Endpoint URL as returned by the server: opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com.:51210/UA/SampleServer
'The server certificate is for following domain names or IP addresses: opcua.demo-this.com
'This may be an indication of a spoofing attempt. Do you want to allow the endpoint anyway? [Y/n]: Y
'Value: -1.285897E+14
'ServerTimestamp: 11/28/2019 1:34:23 PM
'SourceTimestamp: 11/28/2019 1:34:23 PM
'StatusCode: Good
// Shows an OPC UA data change observable with specified timeouts.

using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Reactive;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;

namespace ReactiveDocExamples
    namespace _UADataChangeNotificationObservable
        partial class Subscribe
            public static void Timeouts()
                // Define which server we will work with.
                UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =
                // or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported)
                // or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/"

                Console.WriteLine("Creating observable...");
                UADataChangeNotificationObservable<float> observable =
                        endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853", 1000);
                // Set fairly short timeouts (failure can thus occur).
                observable.ClientSelector.Isolated = true;
                observable.ClientSelector.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500;
                observable.ClientSelector.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionConnectTimeout = 3000;
                observable.ClientSelector.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeout = 3000;
                observable.ClientSelector.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000;

                using (observable.Subscribe(e => Console.WriteLine(
                    (e.Exception is null) ? e.AttributeData.ToString() : e.Exception.GetBaseException().ToString())))
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 10 seconds...");


                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 2 seconds...");
                Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);

Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows

See Also