The following tables list the members exposed by _EasyEngineParameters.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | DefaultEventQueueSize | Default event queue size. The maximum size of the queue each client object uses to temporarily hold generated events before they are consumed by the application. Events that do not fit into the queue will be lost. You should set the size to a number that is sufficient to cope with the difference between the rate events are generated and the rate your application is able to consume them. |
 | DisplayString | The display string for the current object. |
 | GarbageCollectionPeriod | Garbage collection period. Number of milliseconds. Specifies how often the engine reviews the connected OPC servers and items and disconnects from those that are no longer needed. |
 | StandardName | A symbolic name of the current parameter combination if it has a standard name. Empty otherwise. |
 | WorkerSleepDelay | Worker sleep delay. Number of milliseconds. Specifies how often the engine checks the need to perform tasks such garbage collection, rate adjustment, and final cleanup. |
Public Methods
See Also