The following tables list the members exposed by _EasyAELinkParameters.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | BufferSize | Subscription buffer size. Maximum number of events that the OPC server will send in a single callback. |
 | DisplayString | The display string for the current object. |
 | FastestNotificationRate | Fastest notification rate. Number of milliseconds. If the client application specifies notification rate faster than the value specified here, EasyOPC will use the value from this field instead. |
 | LinkRetrialDelay | Link retrial delay. Number of milliseconds. If a specific OPC link is found to be not operational, further attempts to use it will not be made until the link retrial delay elapses. One of typical reasons for entering the link retrial period is using an unknown OPC area or source name, which can later become correct when the OPC server configuration is updated. |
 | SlowestNotificationRate | Slowest notification rate. Number of milliseconds. If the client application specifies notification rate slower than the value specified here, EasyOPC will use the value from this field instead. |
 | StandardName | A symbolic name of the current parameter combination if it has a standard name. Empty otherwise. |
Public Methods
See Also