| Name | Description |
 | AssureOwnCertificate | Assures presence of the own certificate the application is currently configured to use. |
 | CreateOwnCertificate | Creates the own certificate the application is currently configured to use. |
 | Equals | |
 | ExportApplicationConfiguration | Exports the OPC UA application configuration data into an XML stream. |
 | ExportApplicationConfigurationToFile | Exports the OPC UA application configuration data into an XML file. |
 | ExportOwnCertificateToFile | Exports the own certificate and optionally its private key to a given file. |
 | ExportRegisteredApplication | Exports the registration data of the OPC UA application into an XML stream. |
 | ExportRegisteredApplicationToFile | Exports the registration data of the OPC UA application into an XML file. |
 | ExportSecuredApplication | Exports the security settings of the OPC UA application into an XML stream. |
 | ExportSecuredApplicationToFile | Exports the security settings of the OPC UA application into an XML file. |
 | FindGdsRegistrations | Finds all registrations for this application URI in the GDS. |
 | FindOwnCertificate | Finds the own certificate the application is currently configured to use. |
 | GetApplicationElement | Gets the OPC UA registration information for this application. |
 | GetApplicationId | Gets an application ID assigned to the application by a specified GDS. |
 | GetCertificateSubjectName | Gets the subject distinguished name the application is configured to use for its certificates. |
 | GetCertificateSubjectNameDictionary | Gets a dictionary of certificate subject names corresponding to all application certificate sub-ids. |
 | GetEffectiveApplicationManifest | Gets the effective OPC UA application manifest, i.e. the currently used application registration information together with data related to PKI administration, such as paths to the certificate stores used. |
 | GetHashCode | |
 | GetPrivateKeyPasswordStrength | Determines strength of the password that is configured for use with the given certificate. |
 | GetType | |
 | HasOwnCertificate | Determines whether the application's own certificate is present. |
 | HasPrivateKeyPassword | Determines whether a non-empty password is in use for the given certificate. |
 | ImportOwnCertificateFromFile | Imports the own certificate and its private key from a given file. |
 | ListCertificateSubIds | Finds all application certificate sub-ids. |
 | ListCertificateTypeElements | Retrieves certificate type elements for the certificate types available for a given application store kind. |
 | ObtainNewCertificate | Obtains a new application own certificate from the certificate manager, and stores it for subsequent usage. |
 | ProtectOrUnprotectOwnCertificate | Protects or unprotects the private key of the given certificate. |
 | ProtectOwnCertificate | Protects the private key of the default certificate. |
 | RefreshTrustLists | Retrieves the current trust lists for the application from the certificate manager, and refreshes own certificate stores accordingly. |
 | RegisterToGds | Creates an application registration in the GDS, assigning it a new application ID. Existing registrations with the same application URI are removed first. |
 | RemoveOwnCertificates | Removes the own certificates the application is currently configured to use. |
 | RemovePrivateKeyPassword | Removes the password used to access the private key for given certificate. |
 | SetPrivateKeyPassword | Sets the password used to access the private key for given certificate. |
 | ToString | |
 | UnprotectOwnCertificate | Unprotects the private key of the default certificate. |
 | UnregisterFromGds | Removes an application registration from the GDS, if it exists. All existing registrations for the application URI are removed. |
 | UpdateGdsRegistration | Updates an application registration in the GDS, keeping its application ID. A new registration is created if the application is not yet registered in the GDS. Preexisting registrations with the same application URI are removed. |
 | ValidateOwnCertificate | Validates the own certificate the application is currently configured to use. |