// Shows how to disable and enable the OPC UA Complex Data plug-in.
class procedure Enabled.Main;
Client1, Client2: _EasyUAClient;
EndpointDescriptor: string;
NodeDescriptor: string;
Value1, Value2: OleVariant;
// Define which server and node we will work with.
EndpointDescriptor :=
NodeDescriptor := 'nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10239'; // [ObjectsFolder]/Data.Static.Scalar.StructureValue
// We will explicitly disable the Complex Data plug-in, and read a node which returns complex data. We will
// receive an object of type UAExtensionObject, which contains the encoded data in its binary form. In this
// form, the data cannot be easily further processed by your application.
// Disabling the Complex Data plug-in may be useful e.g. for licensing reasons (when the product edition you
// have does not support the Complex Data plug-in, and you want to avoid the associated error), or for
// performance reasons (if you do not need the internal content of the value, for example if your code just
// needs to take the value read, and write it elsewhere).
Client1 := CoEasyUAClient.Create;
Client1.InstanceParameters.PluginSetups.FindName('UAComplexDataClient').Enabled := false;
Value1 := Client1.ReadValue(EndpointDescriptor, NodeDescriptor);
on E: EOleException do
WriteLn(Format('*** Failure: %s', [E.GetBaseException.Message]));
// Now we will read the same value, but with the Complex Data plug-in enabled. This time we will receive an
// object of type UAGenericObject, which contains the data in the decoded form, accessible for further
// processing by your application.
// Note that it is not necessary to explicitly enable the Complex Data plug-in like this, because it is enabled
// by default.
Client2 := CoEasyUAClient.Create;
Client2.InstanceParameters.PluginSetups.FindName('UAComplexDataClient').Enabled := true;
Value2 := Client2.ReadValue(EndpointDescriptor, NodeDescriptor);
// Example output:
// Binary Byte[1373]; {nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=11437}
// (ScalarValueDataType) structured
// On the first line, the type and length of the encoded data is shown, and the node ID is the encoding ID.
// On the 2nd line, the kind (structured) and the name of the complex data type (ScalarValueDataType) is shown.