Normally, instances of a client or subscriber object (such as EasyDAClient, EasyAEClient, EasyUAClient) act commonly, sharing the same connections to the target OPC servers (or to the message-oriented middleware, in case of PubSub), and also many common parameters. This way, you can create a large number of these instances and work with them in an easy way, without having to worry about negative effects on the target. If, for example, you create two instances of an EasyDAClient object, and subscribe to some OPC items in each of these instances, only one connection will be created to the OPC server.
This approach works well for most applications, and it allows easy coding in scenarios such as Web development, where each page request may require OPC operations, and the requests may be coming in quick succession and in large numbers, and even processed in parallel.
In some cases, however, you may want to have a dedicated connection to the OPC server, or have more control over the parameters of the connection. In such case, you can set the Isolated property of the EasyXXClient or EasyXXSubscriber object to ‘true’. By doing so, operations invoked on this instance of the client object will work with their own connection to the target OPC server, or message-oriented middleware. We say that the client (subscriber) object is isolated.
If you create more such isolated client objects, each of them will work with its own connection. Obviously you need to be more careful with this approach, in order to keep the load on the target OPC server in reasonable limits.