Each OPC item has typically associated a set of OPC properties with it. OPC properties contain additional information related to the item. The OPC specifications define a set of common properties; however, each OPC server is free to implement some more, vendor-specific properties as well.
If you want to retrieve a list of all properties available on a given OPC item, call the BrowseProperties method, passing it the ItemID you are interested in. You will receive back a DAPropertyElementCollection object. Each DAPropertyElement contains information about one OPC property, such as its (numeric) PropertyId, data type, or a readable description. The PropertyId can be later used as an argument in calling methods such as GetPropertyValue.
You can use DAPropertyId.GetName and GetPropertyType methods to obtain the string identifier of the property, or its type. With OPC XML, properties are identified by a XML qualified name, and you will find it in the DAPropertyElement.QualifiedName property.
Constants for specific (well-known) OPC properties are contained in the DAPropertyIds enumeration.