Filter operator to be evaluated.
UUID: 8095f877-5ae6-4e17-99c1-9951a6fa90e0
For more information, see UAFilterOperator in .NET Reference.
UUID: 8095f877-5ae6-4e17-99c1-9951a6fa90e0
For more information, see UAFilterOperator in .NET Reference.
Member | Value | Description |
UAFilterOperator_And | 11 | TRUE if operand[0] and operand[1] are TRUE. |
UAFilterOperator_Between | 9 | TRUE if operand[0] is greater or equal to operand[1] and less than or equal to operand[2]. |
UAFilterOperator_BitwiseAnd | 17 | The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise And operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands). |
UAFilterOperator_BitwiseOr | 18 | The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise Or operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands). |
UAFilterOperator_Cast | 13 | Converts operand[0] to a value with a data type with a NodeId identified by operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_Equals | 1 | TRUE if operand[0] is equal to operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_GreaterThan | 3 | TRUE if operand[0] is greater than operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_GreaterThanOrEqual | 5 | TRUE if operand[0] is greater than or equal to operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_InList | 10 | TRUE if operand[0] is equal to one or more of the remaining operands. |
UAFilterOperator_InView | 14 | TRUE if the target Node is contained in the View defined by operand[0]. |
UAFilterOperator_IsNull | 2 | TRUE if operand[0] is a null value. |
UAFilterOperator_LessThan | 4 | TRUE if operand[0] is less than operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_LessThanOrEqual | 6 | TRUE if operand[0] is less than or equal to operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_Like | 7 | TRUE if operand[0] matches a pattern defined by operand[1]. |
UAFilterOperator_None | 0 | No operator. |
UAFilterOperator_Not | 8 | TRUE if operand[0] is FALSE. |
UAFilterOperator_OfType | 15 | TRUE if the target Node is of type operand[0] or of a subtype of operand[0]. |
UAFilterOperator_Or | 12 | TRUE if operand[0] or operand[1] are TRUE. |
UAFilterOperator_RelatedTo | 16 | TRUE if the target Node is of type Operand[0] and is related to a NodeId of the type defined in Operand[1] by the Reference type defined in Operand[2]. |
For remarks, see UAFilterOperator in .NET Reference.
For examples, see UAFilterOperator in .NET Reference.