OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Library
UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation Implemented Property
OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA ActiveX DLL > UASmartClientEngineParameters Object > UAClientEngineParameters Interface : UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation Implemented Property
Determines whether the certificates used for HTTPS communication will be validated by the component, or using the system default rules.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation in .NET Reference.

Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation As Boolean
Return Type

See UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation in .NET Reference.


For remarks, see UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation in .NET Reference.


For examples, see UseCustomHttpsCertificateValidation in .NET Reference.

See Also

UASmartClientEngineParameters Object  | UAClientEngineParameters Interface