OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Library
UAPublisherId Object Members
OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA ActiveX DLL : UAPublisherId Object
Public Methods
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Clone in .NET Reference.

Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see CompareTo in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Equals in .NET Reference.

Returns a hash code for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetHashCode in .NET Reference.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetObjectData in .NET Reference.

Gets the Type of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetType in .NET Reference.

Resets the publisher Id, setting no identifier.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Reset in .NET Reference.

Sets the given Byte identifier into the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetByteIdentifier in .NET Reference.

Sets the external value of the publisher Id identifier.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetExternalValue in .NET Reference.

Sets the publisher Id type and its identifier to specified values.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetIdentifier in .NET Reference.

Sets the internal value of the publisher Id identifier.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetInternalValue in .NET Reference.

Sets the given String identifier into the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetStringIdentifier in .NET Reference.

Sets the given UInt16 identifier into the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetUInt16Identifier in .NET Reference.

Sets the given UInt32 identifier into the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetUInt32Identifier in .NET Reference.

Sets the given UInt64 identifier into the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetUInt64Identifier in .NET Reference.

Public Properties
The display string for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID): 0


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

External value of the publisher Id identifier.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ExternalValue in .NET Reference.

Internal value of the publisher Id identifier.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see InternalValue in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the publisher Id is a null publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see IsNull in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the publisher Id is of one of the numeric publisher Id types.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see IsNumericType in .NET Reference.

Publisher Id numeric value represented using the Decimal type.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NumericIdentifier in .NET Reference.

A string representation of the publisher Id numeric value.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NumericIdentifierString in .NET Reference.

An unsigned 64-bit representation of the publisher Id numeric value.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NumericIdentifierUInt64 in .NET Reference.

The type of the publisher Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see PublisherIdType in .NET Reference.

A string identifier of the publisher Id, if the publisher Id is of a string type.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see StringIdentifier in .NET Reference.

Returns a string that represents the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

See Also

UAPublisherId Object