OPC Labs EasyOPC Forms
UADataDialog Object Members
OpcLabs_EasyOpcForms ActiveX DLL : UADataDialog Object
Public Methods


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see add_Disposed in .NET Reference.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Dispose in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Equals in .NET Reference.

Returns a hash code for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetHashCode in .NET Reference.

Gets the Type of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetType in .NET Reference.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see remove_Disposed in .NET Reference.

Resets the properties of a common dialog to their default values.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Reset in .NET Reference.

Reverts the dialog's appearance (such as its location and size) to the configured settings.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see RevertAppearance in .NET Reference.

Set the array of endpoint descriptor objects.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetEndpointDescriptors in .NET Reference.

Set the array of node descriptor objects.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetNodeDescriptors in .NET Reference.

Sets an object associated with the dialog.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetTag in .NET Reference.

Runs a common dialog box, optionally parented to the given IWin32Window.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ShowDialog in .NET Reference.

Public Properties
The selector of the client object that is used for the dialog operations.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ClientSelector in .NET Reference.

The display string for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID): 0


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

Contains data defining a connection to the OPC-UA Server (mainly, its URL string).


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see EndpointDescriptor in .NET Reference.

Array of endpoint descriptor objects.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see EndpointDescriptors in .NET Reference.

Determines whether Property nodes will be included in browse results.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see IncludeProperties in .NET Reference.

Browse following very wide set of reference types, in order to cope with non-compliant servers.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see LooseReferenceTypes in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the user will be allowed to add computers and OPC servers manually.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ManualNodes in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dialog allows the user to select multiple nodes as output.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see MultiSelect in .NET Reference.

Contains information necessary to identify an OPC-UA node, such as its Node Id.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NodeDescriptor in .NET Reference.

Array of node descriptor objects.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NodeDescriptors in .NET Reference.

Gets the information about the OPC-UA node selected in the dialog box.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NodeElement in .NET Reference.

Contains information gathered about OPC-UA nodes selected by the user.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see NodeElements in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dialog should retain its appearance (such as location and size) between invocations.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see RetainAppearance in .NET Reference.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Site in .NET Reference.

Determines the (initial) size of the dialog.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SizeFactor in .NET Reference.

The name of the size factor. Empty if none of the standard factors.
The start node for an endpoint.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see StartNodeDescriptor in .NET Reference.

Gets or sets an object that contains data about the control.
Returns a string that represents the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the user will be also picking the OPC-UA server endpoint.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see UserPickEndpoint in .NET Reference.

See Also

UADataDialog Object