OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
IEasyUAServer Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

OpcLabs.ServerOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA Namespace : IEasyUAServer Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IEasyUAServer.

Public Properties
 PropertyA collection of host names for the application instance.  
 PropertyThe URL strings of server endpoints.  
 PropertyDetermines whether the component is currently started. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.ComponentModel.IReadOnlyStartable)
 PropertySpecifies which message security modes to use.  
 PropertyThe OPC UA Objects folder of the server, and the nodes it contains (folders and data variables).  
 PropertyThe namespace (URI string) of the nodes under the Objects folder.  
 PropertySpecifies whether this server should register itself with OPC UA Local Discovery Server (LDS).  
Public Methods
 MethodGets the service object of the specified type. (Inherited from System.IServiceProvider)
 MethodStarts the OPC UA server.  
 MethodStops the OPC UA server.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodStarts the OPC UA server if it is not started, and returns the same OPC UA server.
Public Extension MethodStops the OPC UA server if it is started, and returns the same OPC UA server.
Public Extension MethodAttempts to find the node in the server that matches the specified node descriptor.
See Also


IEasyUAServer Interface
OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA Namespace