OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
IEasyUASubscriber Interface Members
Properties  Methods  Events

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub Namespace : IEasyUASubscriber Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IEasyUASubscriber.

Public Properties
 PropertyCapacity of the event pull queue for dataset message notifications.  
 PropertyCapacity of the event pull queue for resolver access notifications.  
 PropertyCapacity of the event pull queue for subscription resolved notifications  
Public Methods
 MethodChanges parameters of an existing dataset subscription.  
 MethodGets the service object of the specified type. (Inherited from System.IServiceProvider)
 MethodObtains parameters of a specified dataset subscription.  
 MethodObtains information about all dataset subscriptions on this IEasyUASubscriber object.  
 MethodDetermines whether the given data set subscription handle is known to this client.  
 MethodAttempts to pull multiple dataset message event notifications.  
 MethodAttempts to pull multiple resolver access event notifications.  
 MethodAttempts to pull multiple subscription resolved event notifications.  
 MethodSubscribes to a dataset. The DataSetMessage event is generated for each dataset message received.  
 MethodUnsubscribes from all datasets.  
 MethodUnsubscribes from a dataset specified by its integer handle.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Changes parameters of an existing dataset field subscription.
Public Extension MethodChanges parameters of an existing dataset subscription, specifying a new filter.
Public Extension MethodObtains parameters of a specified dataset subscription.
Public Extension MethodAttempts to pull a dataset message event notification subscribed to by the SubscribeDataSet method.
Public Extension MethodAttempts to pull a resolver access notification.
Public Extension MethodAttempts to pull a subscription resolved notification.
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Subscribes to a dataset, using a PubSub connection descriptor, and no filter.
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Subscribes to a single dataset field from a dataset, using arguments object.
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Tests whether an OPC UA PubSub connection can be successfully established. Synchronous.

The method tests synchronously whether an OPC UA PubSub connection can be successfully established. It returns normally when the test passes. The method throws a OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAException when there is an error establishing the connection.

Due to asynchronous nature of some communication channels, successful test outcome does not always imply that a connection has been fully established.

The waitMilliseconds parameter is not a timeout in its traditional sense, i.e. a maximum time allowed for the operation. Here, this method actually waits for the time given by waitMilliseconds parameter unless a failure occurs.

Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Tests whether an OPC UA PubSub connection can be successfully established. Asynchronous.

The method tests asynchronously whether an OPC UA PubSub connection can be successfully established.

Due to asynchronous nature of some communication channels, successful test outcome does not always imply that a connection has been fully established.

The waitMilliseconds parameter is not a timeout in its traditional sense, i.e. a maximum time allowed for the operation. Here, this method actually waits for the time given by waitMilliseconds parameter unless a failure occurs.

Public Extension MethodTests whether an OPC UA PubSub subscription can be successfully established. Synchronous.
Public Extension MethodTests whether an OPC UA PubSub subscription can be successfully established. Asynchronous.
Public Extension MethodUnsubscribes from a dataset field specified by its integer handle.
Public Events
 EventRaised for every OPC UA PubSub dataset message received.  
 EventRaised when a failure in the eventing infrastructure occurs.  
 EventRaised when the OPC UA PubSub resolver accesses its target.  
 EventRaised when the OPC UA PubSub has resolved the dataset subscription.  
See Also


IEasyUASubscriber Interface
OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub Namespace