OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Examples - OPC UA Alarms&Conditions - Event pull


// This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
// OPC client and subscriber examples in C# on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-CSharp .
// Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
// a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

using System;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel;

namespace UADocExamples.AlarmsAndConditions
    class PullEventNotification
        public static void Main1()
            // Define which server we will work with.
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =

            // Instantiate the client object.
            // In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
            var client = new EasyUAClient { PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000 };

            client.SubscribeEvent(endpointDescriptor, UAObjectIds.Server, 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...");
            int endTick = Environment.TickCount + 30 * 1000;
                EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs eventArgs = client.PullEventNotification(2 * 1000);
                if (!(eventArgs is null))
                    // Handle the notification event.
            } while (Environment.TickCount < endTick);



        // Example output (truncated):
        //Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
        //[] Success
        //[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:23 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:13 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @11/9/2019 9:56:23 AM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:17 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:07 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:09 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:02 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:16 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:11 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:19 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:12 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:04 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:08:58 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:48 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 700! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:21 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:03 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:02 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:59 PM
        //[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [WestTank] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
        //[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:55 AM
# This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
# Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
# OPC client and subscriber examples in PowerShell on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-PowerShell .
# Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
# a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

#requires -Version 5.1
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard

# The path below assumes that the current directory is [ProductDir]/Examples-NET/PowerShell/Windows .
Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA.dll"
Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcUAComponents.dll"

# Define which server we will work with.
[UAEndpointDescriptor]$endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer"

# Instantiate the client object.
$client = New-Object EasyUAClient
# In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
$client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000

Write-Host "Subscribing..."
[IEasyUAClientExtension]::SubscribeEvent($client, $endpointDescriptor, [UAObjectIds]::Server, 1000)

Write-Host "Processing event notifications for 30 seconds..."
$stopwatch =  [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() 
while ($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 60) {    
    $eventArgs = $client.PullEventNotification(2*1000)
    if ($eventArgs -ne $null) {
        # Handle the notification event.
        Write-Host $eventArgs

Write-Host "Unsubscribing..."

Write-Host "Finished."

# Example output (truncated):
#Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
#[] Success
#[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:23 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:13 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @11/9/2019 9:56:23 AM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:17 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:07 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:09 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:02 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:16 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:11 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:19 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:12 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:04 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:08:58 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:48 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 700! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:21 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:03 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:02 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:59 PM
#[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [WestTank] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
#[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:55 AM

' This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
' OPC client and subscriber examples in VB.NET on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-VBNET .
' Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
' a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel

Namespace AlarmsAndConditions
    Friend Class PullEventNotification
        Public Shared Sub Main1()
            ' Instantiate the client object
            Dim client = New EasyUAClient()
            ' In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
            client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000


            Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...")
            Dim endTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount + 30 * 1000
                Dim eventArgs As EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs = client.PullEventNotification(2 * 1000)
                If Not eventArgs Is Nothing Then
                    ' Handle the notification event
                End If
            Loop While Environment.TickCount < endTick
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


// This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
// OPC client and subscriber examples in Object Pascal (Delphi) on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-OP .
// Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
// a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

class procedure PullEventNotification.Main;
  Client: OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA_TLB._EasyUAClient;
  EndTick: Cardinal;
  EventArgs: _EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs;
  // Instantiate the client object and hook events
  Client := CoEasyUAClient.Create;
  // In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
  Client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity := 1000;

    'nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/;i=2253',  // UAObjectIds.Server

  WriteLn('Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...');
  EndTick := Ticks + 30*1000;
  while Ticks < EndTick do
    EventArgs := Client.PullEventNotification(2*1000);
    if EventArgs <> nil then
      // Handle the notification event



// Example output (truncated):
//Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
//[] Success
//[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:23 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:13 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @11/9/2019 9:56:23 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:17 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:07 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:09 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:02 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:16 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:11 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:19 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:12 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:04 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:08:58 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:48 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 700! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:21 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:03 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:02 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:59 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [WestTank] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:55 AM

// This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
// OPC client and subscriber examples in PHP on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-PHP .
// Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
// a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

// Instantiate the client object and hook events
$Client = new COM("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient");
$Client->PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000;

    "nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/;i=2253",  // UAObjectIds_Server

printf("Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...\n");
$startTime = time(); 
do {
    $EventArgs = $Client->PullEventNotification(2*1000);
    if (!is_null($EventArgs)) {
        // Handle the notification event
        printf("%s\n", $EventArgs);
} while (time() < $startTime + 30);


printf("Waiting for 5 seconds...\n");
$startTime = time(); do { com_message_pump(1000); } while (time() < $startTime + 5);

// Example output (truncated):
//Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
//[] Success
//[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:23 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:13 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @11/9/2019 9:56:23 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:17 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:07 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:09 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:02 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:16 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:11 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:19 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:12 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:04 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:08:58 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:48 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 700! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:21 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:03 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:02 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:59 PM
//[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [WestTank] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
//[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:55 AM

// This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
// Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
// a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

class procedure PullEventNotification.Main;
  Client: EasyUAClient;
  EndTick: Cardinal;
  EventArgs: _EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs;
  // Instantiate the client object and hook events
  Client := CoEasyUAClient.Create;
  // In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
  Client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity := 1000;

    'nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/;i=2253',  // UAObjectIds.Server

  WriteLn('Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...');
  EndTick := GetTickCount + 60*1000;
  while GetTickCount < EndTick do
    EventArgs := Client.PullEventNotification(2*1000);
    if EventArgs <> nil then
      // Handle the notification event


Rem This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
Rem Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
Rem OPC client and subscriber examples in VBScript on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-VBScript .
Rem Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
Rem a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.

Option Explicit

Const UAObjectIds_Server = "nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/;i=2253"

' Instantiate the client object and hook events
Dim Client: Set Client = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient")
' In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
Client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000

WScript.Echo "Subscribing..."
Client.SubscribeEvent "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer", UAObjectIds_Server, 1000

WScript.Echo "Processing event notifications for 30 seconds..."
Dim endTime: endTime = Now() + 30*(1/24/60/60)
    Dim EventArgs: Set EventArgs = Client.PullEventNotification(2*1000)
    If Not (EventArgs Is Nothing) Then
        ' Handle the notification event
        WScript.Echo EventArgs
    End If    
Loop While Now() < endTime

' Example output (truncated):
'Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
'[] Success
'[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:23 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:13 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @11/9/2019 9:56:23 AM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:17 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:07 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [EastTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:09 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:02 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:16 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:11 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:10:19 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:12 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 300! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:04 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:08:58 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [WestTank] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:48 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The dialog was activated" @9/10/2019 8:08:25 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 300! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:42 AM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 700! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:21 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm was acknoweledged." @10/14/2019 4:00:03 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:02 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 100! "The alarm severity has increased." @9/10/2019 8:09:59 PM
'[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:43 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:44 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:45 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:46 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:47 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:48 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:49 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:50 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:51 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:52 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [NorthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [WestTank] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [SouthMotor] 500! "The alarm severity has increased." @11/9/2019 10:29:53 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Events Raised" @11/9/2019 10:29:54 AM
'[] Success; (10 field results) [Internal] 500! "Raising Events" @11/9/2019 10:29:55 AM


#  This example shows how to subscribe to event notifications, pull events, and display each incoming event.
# Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
# OPC client and subscriber examples in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-Python .
# Missing some example? Ask us for it on our Online Forums, https://www.opclabs.com/forum/index ! You do not have to own
# a commercial license in order to use Online Forums, and we reply to every post.
# The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc".
import opclabs_quickopc
import time

# Import .NET namespaces.
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel import *

# Define which server we will work with.
endpointDescriptor = UAEndpointDescriptor('opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer')

# Instantiate the client object.
# In order to use event pull, you must set a non-zero queue capacity upfront.
client = EasyUAClient()
client.PullEventNotificationQueueCapacity = 1000


print('Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...')
endTime = time.time() + 30
while time.time() < endTime:
    eventArgs = IEasyUAClientExtension.PullEventNotification(client, 2*1000)
    if eventArgs is not None:
        # Handle the notification event.




See Also


Examples - Client OPC Alarms&Events

Examples - Client OPC Unified Architecture