OPC Labs Base Library
GenericError Interface Members
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OpcLabs_BaseLib ActiveX DLL > StringParsingError Object : GenericError Interface
Represents a generic error.


IID (Interface ID): 20842ded-34a1-47e9-95ac-af81445fd242


For more information, see _GenericError in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Equals in .NET Reference.

Returns a hash code for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetHashCode in .NET Reference.

Gets the Type of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetType in .NET Reference.

The code of the current error.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Code in .NET Reference.

The type of the error code.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see CodeType in .NET Reference.

The display string for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID): 0


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

The exception instance that caused the current error.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see InnerException in .NET Reference.

A message that describes the current error.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Message in .NET Reference.

Returns a string that represents the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.


For remarks, see _GenericError in .NET Reference.

See Also

StringParsingError Object