OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
ResolverKind Property (_UAPubSubResolverDescriptor)

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.ComTypes Namespace > _UAPubSubResolverDescriptor Interface : ResolverKind Property
The kind of PubSub resolution to be used.
Property ResolverKind As UAPubSubResolverKind
Dim instance As _UAPubSubResolverDescriptor
Dim value As UAPubSubResolverKind
instance.ResolverKind = value
value = instance.ResolverKind
UAPubSubResolverKind ResolverKind {get; set;}
property UAPubSubResolverKind ResolverKind {
   UAPubSubResolverKind get();
   void set (    UAPubSubResolverKind value);


Rem This example shows how to subscribe to dataset messages and specify a filter, resolving logical parameters to physical
Rem from an OPC-UA PubSub configuration file in binary format. The metadata obtained through the resolution is used to decode
Rem fixed layout messages with RawData field encoding.
Rem In order to produce network messages for this example, run the UADemoPublisher tool. For documentation, see
Rem https://kb.opclabs.com/UADemoPublisher_Basics . In some cases, you may have to specify the interface name to be used.
Rem Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

Option Explicit

Const UAPubSubResolverKind_PublisherFile = 3

Dim SubscribeDataSetArguments: Set SubscribeDataSetArguments = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.OperationModel.EasyUASubscribeDataSetArguments")

' Define the PubSub connection we will work with, using its logical name in the PubSub configuration.
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ConnectionDescriptor.Name = "FixedLayoutConnection"
' In some cases you may have to set the interface (network adapter) name that needs to be used, similarly to
' the statement below. Your actual interface name may differ, of course.
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ConnectionDescriptor.ResourceAddress.InterfaceName = "Ethernet"

' Define the filter. The writer group and the dataset writer are specified using their logical names in the
' PubSub configuration. The publisher Id in the filter will be taken from the logical PubSub connection.
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.Filter.WriterGroupDescriptor.Name = "FixedLayoutGroup"
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.Filter.DataSetWriterDescriptor.Name = "SimpleWriter"

' Define the PubSub resolver. We want the information be resolved from a PubSub binary configuration file that
' we have. The file itself is included alongside the script.
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.PublisherFileResourceDescriptor.UrlString = "UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary"
SubscribeDataSetArguments.DataSetSubscriptionDescriptor.ResolverDescriptor.ResolverKind = UAPubSubResolverKind_PublisherFile

' Instantiate the subscriber object and hook events.
Dim Subscriber: Set Subscriber = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.EasyUASubscriber")
WScript.ConnectObject Subscriber, "Subscriber_"

WScript.Echo "Subscribing..."
Subscriber.SubscribeDataSet SubscribeDataSetArguments

WScript.Echo "Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds..."
WScript.Sleep 20*1000

WScript.Echo "Unsubscribing..."

WScript.Echo "Waiting for 1 second..."
' Unsubscribe operation is asynchronous, messages may still come for a short while.
WScript.Sleep 1*1000

WScript.Echo "Finished."

Sub Subscriber_DataSetMessage(Sender, e)
    ' Display the dataset.
    If e.Succeeded Then
        ' An event with null DataSetData just indicates a successful connection.
        If Not (e.DataSetData Is Nothing) Then
            WScript.Echo "Dataset data: " & e.DataSetData
            Dim Pair: For Each Pair in e.DataSetData.FieldDataDictionary
                WScript.Echo Pair
        End If
        WScript.Echo "*** Failure: " & e.ErrorMessageBrief
    End If
End Sub

Sub Subscriber_ResolverAccess(Sender, e)
    ' Display resolution information.
    WScript.Echo e
End Sub

' Example output:
'Processing dataset message events for 20 seconds...
'[PublisherFile: UADemoPublisher-Default.uabinary] (no exception)
'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt16)30, group=101, fields: 4
'[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good]
'[Int32, 3072 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[Int32Fast, 894 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[DateTime, 10/1/2019 12:21:14 PM {System.DateTime}; Good]
'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt16)30, group=101, fields: 4
'[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good]
'[Int32, 3072 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[Int32Fast, 920 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[DateTime, 10/1/2019 12:21:14 PM {System.DateTime}; Good]
'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt16)30, group=101, fields: 4
'[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good]
'[Int32, 3073 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[Int32Fast, 1003 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[DateTime, 10/1/2019 12:21:15 PM {System.DateTime}; Good]
'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt16)30, group=101, fields: 4
'[BoolToggle, False {System.Boolean}; Good]
'[Int32, 3073 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[Int32Fast, 1074 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[DateTime, 10/1/2019 12:21:15 PM {System.DateTime}; Good]
'Dataset data: Good; Data; publisher=(UInt16)30, group=101, fields: 4
'[BoolToggle, True {System.Boolean}; Good]
'[Int32, 3074 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[Int32Fast, 1140 {System.Int32}; Good]
'[DateTime, 10/1/2019 12:21:16 PM {System.DateTime}; Good]

Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows

See Also