event EasyAENotificationEventHandler Notification
event EasyAENotificationEventHandler^ Notification
Event Notification As EasyAENotificationEventHandler
Dim instance As IEasyAEClient Dim handler As EasyAENotificationEventHandler AddHandler instance.Notification, handler
Event Data
The event handler receives an argument of type EasyAENotificationEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following EasyAENotificationEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.
Property | Description |
AcknowledgedChanged | Indicates to the application that the Acknowledged state of the condition has changed. |
ActiveChanged | Indicates to the application that the Active state of the condition has changed. |
Arguments | Holds arguments that were used to subscribe to events in an OPC-A&E server. |
AttributeChanged | Indicates to the application that one or more attributes of the condition have changed. |
ChangeMask | Indicates to the client which properties of the condition have changed, to have caused the server to send the event notification. |
Diagnostics | Diagnostics information (such as warnings) assembled during the operation. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
DiagnosticsCount | Count of diagnostic information elements assembled during the operation. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
DiagnosticsSummary | Textual summary of diagnostics information, one message per line. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
EnabledChanged | Indicates to the application that the Enabled state of the condition has changed. |
ErrorId | Gets or sets the error ID of the error. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
ErrorMessage | Gets or sets a message that describes the current exception. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
ErrorMessageBrief | The first line of the error message. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
EventData | Event notification information. |
Exception | Gets the current exception. Contains null reference when no exception. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
MessageChanged | Indicates to the application that the Message of the condition has changed. |
NormalizedDiagnostics | A normalized OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs.Diagnostics collection. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
NormalizedException | A normalized OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs.Exception object, or null if there was no error. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
QualityChanged | Indicates to the application that the Quality of the condition has changed. |
Refresh | Denotes whether this notification was triggered by subscription refresh. |
RefreshComplete | When True, this notification denotes that the subscription refresh is complete. |
SeverityChanged | Indicates to the application that the Severity of the condition has changed. |
SubconditionChanged | Indicates to the application that the subcondition (SubconditionName) of the condition has changed. |
Succeeded | Gets indication whether the operation has succeeded. (Inherited from OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs) |
// This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how to // unsubscribe afterwards. // // Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . using System; using System.Threading; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.OperationModel; namespace DocExamples.AlarmsAndEvents._EasyAEClient { partial class SubscribeEvents { public static void Main1() { // Instantiate the client object. using (var client = new EasyAEClient()) { var eventHandler = new EasyAENotificationEventHandler(client_Notification); client.Notification += eventHandler; int handle = client.SubscribeEvents("", "OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2", 1000); Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 1 minute..."); Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); client.UnsubscribeEvents(handle); } } // Notification event handler static void client_Notification(object sender, EasyAENotificationEventArgs e) { if (!e.Succeeded) { Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", e.ErrorMessageBrief); return; } if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine(e.EventData.Message); } } }
# This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how to # unsubscribe afterwards. # # Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . #requires -Version 5.1 using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents # The path below assumes that the current directory is [ProductDir]/Examples-NET/PowerShell/Windows . Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassicCore.dll" Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassic.dll" Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassicComponents.dll" # Instantiate the client object. $client = New-Object EasyAEClient # Notification event handler Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $client -EventName Notification -Action { if (-not $EventArgs.Succeeded) { Write-Host "*** Failure: $($EventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief)" #return } if ($EventArgs.EventData -ne $null) { Write-Host $EventArgs.EventData.Message } } Write-Host "Subscribing events..." $handle = [IEasyAEClientExtension]::SubscribeEvents($client, "", "OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2", 1000) Write-Host "Processing event notifications for 1 minute..." $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() while ($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 60) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Write-Host "Unsubscribing events..." $client.UnsubscribeEvents($handle) Write-Host "Finished."
# This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how # to unsubscribe afterwards. # # Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . # OPC client and subscriber examples in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-Python . # The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc". import opclabs_quickopc import time # Import .NET namespaces. from OpcLabs.EasyOpc import * from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents import * # Notification event handler def notification(sender, e): if not e.Succeeded: print('*** Failure: ', e.ErrorMessageBrief, sep='') return else: if e.EventData is not None: print(e.EventData.Message) # Instantiate the client object client = EasyAEClient() client.Notification += notification print('Subscribing events...') handle = IEasyAEClientExtension.SubscribeEvents(client, '', 'OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2', 1000) print('Processing event notifications for 1 minute...') time.sleep(60) print('Unsubscribing events...') client.UnsubscribeAllEvents() client.Notification -= notification print('Finished.')
' This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how to ' unsubscribe afterwards. ' ' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Imports System.Threading Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.OperationModel Namespace AlarmsAndEvents._EasyAEClient Partial Friend Class SubscribeEvents Public Shared Sub Main1() Using client = New EasyAEClient() Dim eventHandler = New EasyAENotificationEventHandler(AddressOf client_Notification) AddHandler client.Notification, eventHandler Dim handle As Integer = client.SubscribeEvents("", "OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2", 1000) Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 1 minute...") Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000) client.UnsubscribeEvents(handle) End Using End Sub ' Notification event handler Private Shared Sub client_Notification(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EasyAENotificationEventArgs) If Not e.Succeeded Then Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", e.ErrorMessageBrief) Exit Sub End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(e.EventData.Message) End If End Sub End Class End Namespace
// This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how to // unsubscribe afterwards. // // Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . class DEasyEAClientEvents { function Notification($Sender, $E) { if (!($E->Succeeded)) { printf("*** Failure: %s\n", $E->ErrorMessageBrief); Exit(); } if (!is_null($E->EventData)) { print $E->EventData->Message; print "\n"; } } } $ServerDescriptor = new COM("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.ServerDescriptor"); $ServerDescriptor->ServerClass = "OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2"; $Client = new COM("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.EasyAEClient"); $Events = new DEasyEAClientEvents(); com_event_sink($Client, $Events, "DEasyEAClientEvents"); print "Subscribing events...\n"; $SubscriptionParameters = new COM("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.AESubscriptionParameters"); $SubscriptionParameters->NotificationRate = 1000; $handle = $Client->SubscribeEvents($ServerDescriptor, $SubscriptionParameters, TRUE, NULL); print "Processing event notifications for 1 minute...\n"; $startTime = time(); do { com_message_pump(1000); } while (time() < $startTime + 60); print "Unsubscribing events...\n"; $Client->UnsubscribeEvents($handle); print "Finished.\n";
REM This example shows how to subscribe to events and display the event message with each notification. It also shows how to REM unsubscribe afterwards. REM REM Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Private Sub SubscribeEvents_Main_Command_Click() OutputText = "" Dim serverDescriptor As New serverDescriptor serverDescriptor.ServerClass = "OPCLabs.KitEventServer.2" ' Instantiate the client object and hook events Set Client1 = New EasyAEClient OutputText = OutputText & "Subscribing..." & vbCrLf Dim subscriptionParameters As New AESubscriptionParameters subscriptionParameters.notificationRate = 1000 Dim handle Dim state handle = Client1.SubscribeEvents(serverDescriptor, subscriptionParameters, True, state) OutputText = OutputText & "Processing event notifications for 1 minute..." & vbCrLf Pause 60000 OutputText = OutputText & "Unsubscribing events..." & vbCrLf Client1.UnsubscribeEvents handle OutputText = OutputText & "Waiting for 5 seconds..." & vbCrLf Pause 5000 OutputText = OutputText & "Finished." & vbCrLf Set Client1 = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Client1_OnNotification(ByVal sender As Variant, ByVal eventArgs As EasyAENotificationEventArgs) If Not eventArgs.Succeeded Then OutputText = OutputText & eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief & vbCrLf Exit Sub End If If Not eventArgs.EventData Is Nothing Then OutputText = OutputText & eventArgs.EventData.Message & vbCrLf End If End Sub
// This example shows how to work with Software Tolbox TOP Server 5 Alarms and Events. // Use simdemo_WithA&E.opf configuration file and write a value above 1000 to Channel1.Device1.Tag1 or Channel1.Device1.Tag2. // // Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.AddressSpace; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.OperationModel; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.OperationModel; namespace DocExamples.AlarmsAndEvents.SWToolbox { class TOPServer_AE { public static void Main1() { // Instantiate the client object. var client = new EasyAEClient(); // Browse for some areas and sources AENodeElementCollection areaElements; try { areaElements = client.BrowseAreas("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", ""); } catch (OpcException opcException) { Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", opcException.GetBaseException().Message); return; } foreach (AENodeElement areaElement in areaElements) { Debug.Assert(!(areaElement is null)); Debug.Assert(!(areaElement.QualifiedName is null)); Console.WriteLine("areaElements[\"{0}\"]:", areaElement.Name); Console.WriteLine(" .QualifiedName: {0}", areaElement.QualifiedName); AENodeElementCollection sourceElements = client.BrowseSources("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", areaElement.QualifiedName); foreach (AENodeElement sourceElement in sourceElements) { Debug.Assert(sourceElement != null); Console.WriteLine(" sourceElements[\"{0}\"]:", sourceElement.Name); Console.WriteLine(" .QualifiedName: {0}", sourceElement.QualifiedName); } } // Query for event categories AECategoryElementCollection categoryElements; try { categoryElements = client.QueryEventCategories("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5"); } catch (OpcException opcException) { Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", opcException.GetBaseException().Message); return; } foreach (AECategoryElement categoryElement in categoryElements) { Debug.Assert(categoryElement != null); Console.WriteLine("CategoryElements[\"{0}\"].Description: {1}", categoryElement.CategoryId, categoryElement.Description); } // Subscribe to events, wait, and unsubscribe var eventHandler = new EasyAENotificationEventHandler(client_Notification); client.Notification += eventHandler; int handle = client.SubscribeEvents("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", 1000); Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 1 minute..."); Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); client.UnsubscribeEvents(handle); } // Notification event handler static void client_Notification(object sender, EasyAENotificationEventArgs e) { if (!(e.Exception is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.Exception.Message: {0}", e.Exception.Message); if (!(e.Exception is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.Exception.Source: {0}", e.Exception.Source); Console.WriteLine("e.Refresh: {0}", e.Refresh); Console.WriteLine("e.RefreshComplete: {0}", e.RefreshComplete); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.QualifiedSourceName: {0}", e.EventData.QualifiedSourceName); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Time: {0}", e.EventData.Time); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Message: {0}", e.EventData.Message); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.EventType: {0}", e.EventData.EventType); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.CategoryId: {0}", e.EventData.CategoryId); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Severity: {0}", e.EventData.Severity); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.ConditionName: {0}", e.EventData.ConditionName); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.SubconditionName: {0}", e.EventData.SubconditionName); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Enabled: {0}", e.EventData.Enabled); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Active: {0}", e.EventData.Active); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Acknowledged: {0}", e.EventData.Acknowledged); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Quality: {0}", e.EventData.Quality); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.AcknowledgeRequired: {0}", e.EventData.AcknowledgeRequired); if (!(e.EventData is null)) Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.ActiveTime: {0}", e.EventData.ActiveTime); } } }
' This example shows how to work with Software Tolbox TOP Server 5 Alarms and Events. ' Use simdemo_WithA&E.opf configuration file and write a value above 1000 to Channel1.Device1.Tag1 or Channel1.Device1.Tag2. ' ' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Imports System.Threading Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.AddressSpace Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.OperationModel Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.OperationModel Namespace AlarmsAndEvents.SWToolbox Friend Class TOPServer_AE Public Shared Sub Main1() Dim client = New EasyAEClient() ' Browse for some areas and sources Dim areaElements As AENodeElementCollection Try areaElements = client.BrowseAreas("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", "") Catch opcException As OpcException Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", opcException.GetBaseException().Message) Exit Sub End Try For Each areaElement As AENodeElement In areaElements Debug.Assert(areaElement IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(areaElement.QualifiedName IsNot Nothing) Console.WriteLine("areaElements[""{0}""]:", areaElement.Name) Console.WriteLine(" .QualifiedName: {0}", areaElement.QualifiedName) Dim sourceElements As AENodeElementCollection = client.BrowseSources("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", areaElement.QualifiedName) For Each sourceElement As AENodeElement In sourceElements Debug.Assert(sourceElement IsNot Nothing) Console.WriteLine(" sourceElements[""{0}""]:", sourceElement.Name) Console.WriteLine(" .QualifiedName: {0}", sourceElement.QualifiedName) Next sourceElement Next areaElement ' Query for event categories Dim categoryElements As AECategoryElementCollection Try categoryElements = client.QueryEventCategories("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5") Catch opcException As OpcException Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", opcException.GetBaseException().Message) Exit Sub End Try For Each categoryElement As AECategoryElement In categoryElements Debug.Assert(categoryElement IsNot Nothing) Console.WriteLine("CategoryElements[""{0}""].Description: {1}", categoryElement.CategoryId, categoryElement.Description) Next categoryElement ' Subscribe to events, wait, and unsubscribe Dim eventHandler = New EasyAENotificationEventHandler(AddressOf client_Notification) AddHandler client.Notification, eventHandler Dim handle As Integer = client.SubscribeEvents("", "SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V5", 1000) Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 1 minute...") Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000) client.UnsubscribeEvents(handle) End Sub ' Notification event handler Private Shared Sub client_Notification(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EasyAENotificationEventArgs) If e.Exception IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.Exception.Message: {0}", e.Exception.Message) End If If e.Exception IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.Exception.Source: {0}", e.Exception.Source) End If Console.WriteLine("e.Refresh: {0}", e.Refresh) Console.WriteLine("e.RefreshComplete: {0}", e.RefreshComplete) If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.QualifiedSourceName: {0}", e.EventData.QualifiedSourceName) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Time: {0}", e.EventData.Time) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Message: {0}", e.EventData.Message) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.EventType: {0}", e.EventData.EventType) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.CategoryId: {0}", e.EventData.CategoryId) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Severity: {0}", e.EventData.Severity) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.ConditionName: {0}", e.EventData.ConditionName) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.SubconditionName: {0}", e.EventData.SubconditionName) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Enabled: {0}", e.EventData.Enabled) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Active: {0}", e.EventData.Active) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Acknowledged: {0}", e.EventData.Acknowledged) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.Quality: {0}", e.EventData.Quality) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.AcknowledgeRequired: {0}", e.EventData.AcknowledgeRequired) End If If e.EventData IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("e.EventData.ActiveTime: {0}", e.EventData.ActiveTime) End If End Sub End Class End Namespace
Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows
See Also
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