// This example shows how to set fairly short OPC UA timeouts (failures can thus occur). // // Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . using System; using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA; namespace UADocExamples._UAClientSessionParameters { class Timeouts { public static void Isolated() { UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer"; // or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported) // or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/" // Instantiate the client object and set timeouts var client = new EasyUAClient { Isolated = true, IsolatedParameters = { SessionParameters = { EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500, SessionConnectTimeout = 3000, SessionTimeout = 3000, SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000 } } }; Console.WriteLine("Subscribing..."); // The callback is a lambda expression the displays the value client.SubscribeDataChange(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853", 1000, (sender, eventArgs) => { if (eventArgs.Succeeded) Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", eventArgs.AttributeData.Value); else Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief); }); Console.WriteLine("Processing data change events for 10 seconds..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10 * 1000); Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribing..."); client.UnsubscribeAllMonitoredItems(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 2 seconds..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000); } } }
# This example shows how to set fairly short OPC UA timeouts (failures can thus occur). # # Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . # OPC client and subscriber examples in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-Python . # The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc". import opclabs_quickopc import time # Import .NET namespaces. from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA import * from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel import * def dataChangeNotification(sender, eventArgs): # Display value. if eventArgs.Succeeded: print('Value: ', eventArgs.AttributeData.Value, sep='') else: print('*** Failure: ', eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief, sep='') endpointDescriptor = UAEndpointDescriptor('opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer') # or 'http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer' (currently not supported) # or 'https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/' # Instantiate the client object and set timeouts. client = EasyUAClient() client.Isolated = True client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500 client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionConnectTimeout = 3000 client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeout = 3000 client.IsolatedParameters.SessionParameters.SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000 print('Subscribing...') IEasyUAClientExtension.SubscribeDataChange(client, endpointDescriptor, UANodeDescriptor('nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853'), 1000, EasyUADataChangeNotificationEventHandler(dataChangeNotification)) print('Processing data change events for 10 seconds...') time.sleep(10) print('Unsubscribing...') client.UnsubscribeAllMonitoredItems() print('Waiting for 2 seconds...') time.sleep(2) print('Finished.')
' This example shows how to set fairly short OPC UA timeouts (failures can thus occur). ' ' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html . Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA Namespace _UAClientSessionParameters Partial Friend Class Timeouts Public Shared Sub Isolated() ' Define which server we will work with. Dim endpointDescriptor As UAEndpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer" ' or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported) ' or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/" ' Instantiate the client object and set timeouts Dim client = New EasyUAClient() With { .Isolated = True, .IsolatedParameters = New Engine.EasyUAAdaptableParameters() With { .SessionParameters = New Engine.UASmartSessionParameters() With { .EndpointSelectionTimeout = 1500, .SessionConnectTimeout = 3000, .SessionTimeout = 3000, .SessionTimeoutDebug = 3000 } } } Console.WriteLine("Subscribing...") ' The callback is a lambda expression the displays the value client.SubscribeDataChange(endpointDescriptor, "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10853", 1000, Sub(sender, eventArgs) If eventArgs.Succeeded Then Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", eventArgs.AttributeData.Value) Else Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", eventArgs.ErrorMessageBrief) End If End Sub) Console.WriteLine("Processing data change events for 10 seconds...") Threading.Thread.Sleep(10 * 1000) Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribing...") client.UnsubscribeAllMonitoredItems() Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 2 seconds...") Threading.Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000) End Sub End Class End Namespace
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